who pays who?
A policeman stops you mid block and says you ran a red light.
You crossed the intersection as the amber turned to red.
you do not really want to get the ticket or go to the delegacion and you want to go on your way.
You ask the policeman how you can fix the problem and he lets you know how much it will cost to fix the problem.
You pay the amount and go on your way.
This is called a MORDIDA (bribe) this is what lobyist do they bribe Congerss and the Senate so that you the tax payer gets to pay for pork barrel projects, as in a study to find out how flys land on the ceiling, about a million dollar grant.
The more money you have the more inmunity you can purchase, remember Kennedy and a bridge in Chappaquiddick with muddy waters? someone handed money and lots of it.