Youu asked who payd who, the toll road operator pays the government tinterillo (government stooge) to smoth the paperwork that the toll road owner needs to construct the road and obtain a concesion and operate.
Big corporations that that want to do buisness and or start companys need to have permits and licencess, with out the "MORDIDA" it can take years to obtain any thing, greassing the correct hands speeds the process a lot.
The super carreteras have those high cuotas because they have a lot politicos and such to pay under the table, otherwise the permits have a habit of being delayd, under revision, the names have been misspelled, the renewals are to be re-examined, etc.
The toll roads are not going to reduce the amount they charge, specially those that are the only road available between two places, as in Queretaro to Mexico City, you take the toll road or you go a very long circumnavegation.
No matter how much they are hated or liked that is what is going to happen no matter how much we debate the issue, if we want to drive on the carretera de cobro we have to pay no matter what.
The policia was just an example.
Jefe como nos arreglamos para el refresco?