There is nothing more pitiful than a gringo who comes to this country and then demands that las costumbres fit his images. Mangoes are sold in the USA that are shipped from the Philippines or Thailand. Why not from Mexico. Jumex pays me fifty nine pesos for a crate of mangos that weighs about 17 kg.
I cannot ship them north past Los Mochis or Queretaro. Why? All mangos must be subjected to a hot water shower supposedly to disinfect. Why not take my mangos by traylor right to the hot water wash then to a mercado de abastos in Juarez or Tijuana. Well to become eligible for a certificate that allows a manguero to submit the mangos be washed first it is necessary to apply for a permit. Without lubrication the permit process will take, oh, say, 3,000 years. With a quarter million dollars the permit process will take perhaps six months. Oh, and by the way only certain licensed traylor transporters are allowed to carry the mangos to and from the hot water sanitization. You know, the ones that charge 400% more for transportation.
I am investigating the feasibility of deshidracion de carne de mangos. Dried fruit. Must use solar heating and hydronics because fuel is so expensive. Ascorbic acid for a preservative. But this involves Sector Salud and COFEPRIS.
The toll roads stay open because politicos make more money than if they go bankrupt. Whatever it takes, ciego, sordo, mudo. Blindness, deafness, mute.