Building and maintaining a road costs a fortune. Not to compare the US and Mexico but I have been on the Indiana toll road many times. You get a ticket when you get on and when you exit you put the ticket in a slot and it tells you how much to pay. If you do not have correct change you put you $20 bill in the machine and it gives change in metal dollars. No toll collection people to pay salaries. If we cross the state to the end there are maybe 10 lanes of toll booths with traffic backed up quite ways. Thousands of cars and trucks and RVs an hour. And they are going broke! The road is BILLIONS in debt. I am sure costs in Mexico are probably lower. But roads are not cheap. To pay for them with tolls you need a lot of customers. The road in Indiana has at least 20 times (probably more) the traffic we see on many toll roads in Mexico - and in IN they say it is fewer vehicles using the road that is leading to bankruptcy. So we can all speculate and offer opinions but things don't seem to add up - and I do fully realize and am fully aware that many things in Mexico do not add up - that is not meant to be criticism - just a comment. There well may be no answer to any of this. But it might be interesting to see if they did lower the tolls (I know they probably won't) if more people would use the roads - and that more Mexican people could afford to use these roads. My concern is the high cost of living being inflicted on the people of Mexico.