With all due respect briansue:
You are asking for answers with the thinking of a gringo.
The fact is that the cuotas are not going to go down, the price of gasoline is not going to go down, the price of basic staples is not going to go down, the only thing that is going to happen is that the dollar is going to be harder for the Mexicans to buy, probablly by this time next year it will be 14.00+ pesos or more, the price of fuel in the States is dropping and that will not happen in Mexico the price of gasoline will stay at about the current price.
You have to realize that in Mexico there are to many vested interests behind all of the infrastructure on the toll roads and other government sanctioned projects, to much graft and corruption and to many hands to grease in MORDIDAS for actual change, what you are suggesting is a revoution, and that will not happen in our life time, the population has not been oppresed enough for that to happen.
Hay que vivir la vida loca!