I do not know if you have ever been out in the sierras, way out where the people do not speak spanish at all and there is really no money.
They barter, trade maiz for calabazas, frijoles for chiles, they do not use money.
The last thing that I would sugest or want is a revolucion, that is overthrowing of the constitutional government, I will leave that to the Zapatistas and so forth.
Your original question was why don't they lower the toll road priceses and have more people use the carreteras de cobro, that will never happen, there are to many politicos and other interested parties that receive money under the table (mordida) for that to take place, once the politicos get hold of a lucrative position where they recive a sum of money for not doing anything (it is called in Mexico a HUESO, bone) they do not let it go, ergo it is a "status quo" and nothing will really change much, maybe in time some things will change but not to fast, we will not see them.