I'm happy for anyone who can make a buck. However, I have heard many people say, "well according to the Kinetic Kennons . . .". so that must be true!
There are very few experts on Mexico and I haven't really found one yet. Even though he is long gone, I still go back and read Tioga and George's blog from time to time because he did something I always wanted to do (being single made that easy for him). Many misinterpretations based on his personal experience such as there are no ATMs in Mexico (we have had them since 1979) causing readers to come to Mexico with wads of cash. His experience was based mostly on his trip through Baja and very few visits to cities or towns which didn't provide a picture of Mexico, only a small glimpse.
The videos are entertaining, to say the least, but usually titled to draw you in such as "Our Thoughts About Mexico Just Changed". They talk about the tooth fairy in the U.S. and the disgusting way we use the ratoncito (little mouse) in Mexico that takes the tooth. "What, I'm leaving Mexico". That was another Youtuber who drew in the crowds when in reality he was only going to the U.S. for a visit.
You've got to go to the source. Language or lack of it is the barrier for most.