Yes those are daily wages. But they have little to do with real wages. The minimum wages are used for establishing fines. If you do not pay your workers seguro the fine will be XXX tomes the daily min. wage. Fines for zooming violations, bylaw infractions and even running a red light are all based on those min. wages . Even the income necessary for a Permanent immigration status is based on the min. wage. Some states have min. wages for construction workers and other trades. They are not 65 pesos a day. Exceptions to this are some of the states with lots of poor uneducated people. Oaxaca is a good example. Just a few years ago farm workers were getting 35 pesos a day!! Illegal!! These workers come to Sonora and Sinaloa to work the fields for about $100 pesos a day. Some do work for piece work and do better. Some parts of this culture are hard to comprehend.