Now I am confused again. The original post in this thread quoted the wage as PER DAY!. . .
As of today, the minimum wage rate for Zone A is MXP $70.10, for B MXP $66.45. At the current exchange rate, that's USD $4.76 and $4.51....PER DAY!
. . . but now you say this is per hour. I have always heard it is PER DAY. If that is the per hour rate is it much higher than anything I have heard previously.
From . . . . . .
El Consejo de Representantes de la CONASAMI acordó otorgar un aumento general a los salarios mínimos de las dos áreas geográficas para el 2015, de 4.2%
• Los nuevos salarios mínimos que regirán a partir del primero de enero de 2015, son: área geográfica “A”, 70.10 pesos diarios y área geográfica “B”, 66.45 pesos diarios.
The Council of Representatives CONASAMI agreed to grant a general increase in minimum wages in the two geographical areas for 2015 , 4.2%
• The new minimum wage will apply from the first of January 2015, are: geographical area "A" , 70,10 pesos a day and " B" geographic area , 66.45 pesos per day .
This website . . .
. . . is a .pdf showing all the minimum wages for many different occupations.