Forum Discussion

pistolpeter55's avatar
Feb 27, 2014

Montana, Holland Lake Rd question

Looking for CG's this summer and Holland Lake CG in the Flathead National Forest sounded like a good stop. However the National Forest campground guide describes the paved section of road as very rough followed by a gravel section. My question is can anyone give me first hand recent information? Is the road doable with my 30 ft FW?
Thanks in advance
  • paulj wrote:
    Look it up on Google Maps. The Sat view may be clear enough to show where pavement ends, and gravel begins. Look at what kind campers there are in the campground and boat launch (if there is one).

    Holland Lk Rd. becomes dirt and gravel after 2.5 miles.
  • Doable? Yes, if you take it slow. I was last on it two years ago with my rig in sig.
  • Are you talking about the 83 or the road leading in from the highway?
    Its been a really long time, but what I remember of the turnoff into the lake was a pretty nicely groomed road all the way to the CG. Don't remember much about the CG itself. The 83 is just another 2 lane highway that can handle anything. Remember that's logging country.
  • Look it up on Google Maps. The Sat view may be clear enough to show where pavement ends, and gravel begins. Look at what kind campers there are in the campground and boat launch (if there is one).
  • Been years since I was on it, but back then, yes it was... today? Probably.