Great plan, the road from Montrose to Ouray is fine. Taking your toad soouth out of Ouray to drive the Million Dollar Highway is a very good idea vs humping a 32' C with a toad. Southboound on the MDH is thrill especially for the passenger {ask my bride, her last run was on the back of my Indian Springfield motorcycle}, the return ride northbound back to Ouray is a little tamer.
Here is a shot taken about 10 miles south of Ouray on the MDH:

Ouray and Silverton are a lot of fun, the Ouray brewery is a hoot and right up the street check out the Wiesbaden Spa, you can get day passes and the underground grotto has to be experienced to be believed {Google it}. The view from their outdoor pool is awesome as well. A great way to spend a few hours.
There is a large public spa facility at the north end of Ouray that is cheaper than the private spas with lots of pools at varying temperatures... something for everyone.