Forum Discussion

mikeleblanc413's avatar
May 03, 2014

Most scenic route from Las Vegas to St. Mary, Montana

I've been visiting with old friends in Las Vegas and shortly will be leaving for my workkamping position at Johnson's of St. Mary at the east gate (St. Mary, MT) of Glacier National Park. I'd appreciate comments on the most scenic route to my destination. THANKS!
  • Another vote for route 93. We drove that all the way from the west side of Glacier to Arco ID back in 2010 to visit Craters of the Moon. An absolutely beautiful drive!

    X2 on a stop at Craters of the Moon.

    While at St. Mary, take the short drive up to Many Glacier.
  • We've traveled 93 all the way up to Missoula - beautiful drive and lots to stop for along the way.

    From Missoula either pick up Hwy 200 east to 287/89 into Browning and on up to St. Mary's.

    Other ways from Missoula - head up to Flathead Lake east or west side and then east on Hwy 2.

    Have a great trip. It's a favorite part of the country for us.
  • The most scenic route is 89 between Browning and St. Mary but they don't recommend taking that route because it's mostly 25 mph with lots of curves. Their site recommends taking 464 out of Browning which curves around and eventually meets 89 north of St. Mary.
  • We like the drive and use I-15N to US-93, then north on 93 to SR-318 to US-6 and back to US-93 in Ely NV. Take US-93 N from Ely to US-2 in MT, on the west side of Glacier and head to your destination on the east side. These are very good roads and scenic for most of the trip. You should enjoy your trip.
  • Hi Mike, take 93 North and check out the Craters of the Moon. Let us know how you are doing in Montana. Lee and I were just talking about his home state last night. He misses it. Christine and Lee, Texas