Mat_Colie, Your MO looks very similar to ours. Hours upon hours are spent researching things to do, places to see, air shows to do, dirt tracks with racing etc.etc. & trying to organize it all in a trip that makes sense with the time available.
All of this creates a S&T Master trip file. From starting day a Daily Trip file is created. We also have the GPS puck. Each day the stand alone Garmin is told plan A for the days destination. More often than not how the Garmin would have us get to someplace & how the route is set out in the Daily File of S&Ts are very different things.
That is OK. The two of them can disagree all they like, the final say goes to the navigator who can change the route on the Daily File on the fly if she likes.
We are planning to be in SE MI late June. PM me. Maybe we can hook up for that 'new' S&Ts.