loggenrock wrote:
Let me offer an alternative, if time isn't an issue and you want a nice ride... From Albany area, take NY Thruway - 87 - north. You can either cross into VT at the south end or "over the top" of Lake Champlain. Basically, you are looking for Rte 2 - it is the east/west road across the tops of VT and NH, then across Maine. Good road - trucks use it all the time - so no issue with towing. Puts you back onto I-95 in ME around Newport, then north to Bangor and south on 1 towards Ellsworth and Bar Harbor. I hate travelling the Mass Pike (90) east/west - and Rte 9 across VT with a 35' rig might not be a lot of fun. Check a map - let me know if you have other questions! ST
This is what we have done. E on I-90, N on I-87, E on 4, N on I-91, E on 2. Then you can see VT and NH too.