At the WV NC border on 77 there is a very long pull uphill, like 5 miles of fairly steep road. It's fairly straight though with only a few gentle curves. Going through WV on 77 is toll road and can be up and down the hills and lots of curves.
It would be my suggestion to get to I-40 and head to Knoxville. You will have the Pigeon River gorge to go through and it is curvy and mostly downhill going west and not terrible steep but somewhat steep in a few places. Hit I-75 from K'ville. Bypass K'ville on 640 to 75.
You have no real good options for a flat or flatter roadway when you're on the east side of the Appalachians. You gotta cross the hills somewhere. The Gorge is not hair raising but with minimum experience in mountain driving I'm thinking the I-40 way is the least of the bad options. You gotta start somewhere. I pull my 37 ft. 10K lb. trailer through there no sweat but I've done it quite a few times.
Formerly from the Flint, Flushing, Davison and Harrisville areas.