The front is Benito Juarez and to the left is a scene of either a battle or some thing like that, the 500 on the top right shimmers green and changes color when you move the bill.
The reverse side has a depiction of grey whales and the Biosphere of El Vizcaino, and the 20.00 peso bill is going to be phased out and replaced by coin, I call all that loose change in the pockets "what else" pocket busters I am going to ask my sister in law to sew some reinforcements on the pants pockets just to carry the loot around.
I do not know when they will start phasing the 20.00 peso bills out, will advice.
P.S. I tried last night to post the photos, I am giving up even trying, I keep- getting an error message from somewhere in Texas, this thing was hacked in Texas some time ago and I lost everything to little squares, had it redone in México and it has never worked right, it now knows SpanGlish.