Forum Discussion

Turtle-Toad's avatar
Jul 25, 2009

New and Improved Border FAQ's

DISCLAIMER: Although I believe this information was correct when I wrote it, and may still be correct when you cross the border, you have to watch out for what I call the "Red Clown Nose Contingency" (RCNC). If your situation is the least bit out of the ordinary, you run the risk of allowing the border official to deviate from his normal routine. And no matter what the rules say, the official standing in front of you has the final say. So if he says that you have to be wearing a Red Clown Nose to get across then, unless you have immediate access to someone higher in the food chain, you better start looking for a costume shop!

So beware of the RCNC

A well prepared group!

  1. Individual Identification
  2. Children under 18
  3. Tourist Permits (FM-T)
  4. FM-T Exemption Areas
  5. Types of FM-T

  1. Personal motor vehicles in México
  2. Drivers License
  3. Who can drive your vehicle?
  4. Registration
  5. Insurance
  6. Copies
  7. Temporary Import Permit (TIP)
    1. General
    2. Mainland Mexico
    3. [url=]Baja and Northern Sonora
    4. Sonora
      1. Sonora Free Zone
      2. Sonora Only Zone
  8. 10 Year RV Permit
  9. Banjericto TIP website
  10. Canceling a 10 Year RV Permit

  1. Bringing your kids
  2. Bringing your pets
  3. Boat Permits
  4. Harbor Permits
  5. Fishing License
  6. Mexican Sports Fishing Regulations
    1. Bag and Possession Limits
    2. Violations

D) Crossing back into the US
  1. Documentation for Reentry into the U.S.
  2. U.S. Agricultural Quarantine Information
  3. Prohibited Items
    1. Fruits and Vegetables
    2. Plants and Seeds
    3. Meat and Game
    4. Eggs
    5. Live Birds
    6. Straw
  4. Permitted Items
    1. Fruits and Vegetables
    2. Nuts
  5. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Firearms