Forum Discussion

Canadian_Rainbi's avatar
Nov 06, 2016

New Quota to Patzcuaro open?

I understand from a friend in Morelia that the new cuota bypassing Morelia enroute to Patzcuaro and points beyond is now open. My question;

Coming from either Guanajuato or Queretaro going to Zihuatanejo:

After crossing Lago Cuitzeo via the cuota, which way to we turn on the 15D? I presume north, What is the number of the new cuota and what signs do we watch for to exit the 15D?

I guess it's time for a new Guia Roji!
  • Our friends took it today, and can't rave more about the road.
    They also commented that the road into Rancho La Mesa is absolutely horrible this year.
  • I don't think I would be called computer literate. I have questions so I Google to search and ask questions and this can take me to answers. The trick is knowing how to ask questions that get the answer you are looking for. To track down these maps I just did a search for words like "maps for windows 10" - "maps for Android" - that gives a list of answers - you can add the word "free" in there. Then you find these apps and from them you can find how to download more and more maps. In the Windows Here Maps there are 3 little dots up in the upper right corner just below the X - click on the dots and a drop down window opens - in that window you click on Settings - and this will take you to the page where it says "Offline Maps" and "Choose Maps" - click to open another window and you will get a list of maps all over the world - keep in mind these are large files with US being around 4 GB - you can download each state or any states you check - you can download all of Mexico - you can download Canada - you can download just about anywhere in the world - once you have them these maps are OFFLINE so no internet needed to use them - you can zoom in and move all around. You can also go to the Open Street Maps home website to see the latest maps but I am not sure how to use them OFFLINE - and I do not know about Apple computers or devices. Just fiddling around you can find this stuff and then with a little practice you will soon learn how to use it all. On the Microsoft Here map app in my laptop there is a vertical bar on the right side with 6 symbols - the 3rd one down is a circle and this will take you to where you are more or less - not as accurate as a Garmin GPS or programs like Streets & Trips but it will get you close. The Map Factor Navigator app in my Android is more accurate. But you can use the laptop Here maps app in Windows as a very rough GPS. Lots of things to fool around in there. You can learn to draw lines to mark a route and then use the Snipping Tool to Copy & Paste the map as I did for this thread. This is nowhere near as good as the old Streets & Trips for overall functionality but it is a pretty good new map for FREE that will show new roads as they are built. Open Streets Maps online has lots of Points Of Interest (POIs) such as local businesses when you zoom in.
  • Another one using Open Street Maps is Navigator from Map Factor . . . . . . which is free and works like a GPS - anywhere in the world. I downloaded all of North America to my Android into my microSD so not on the device memory. Problem is using it can use a lot of battery and it actually heats up after awhile when used as a GPS - but good for figuring out where you are when walking around town or whatever. It even has hiking trails and we have used it for fun in National Parks.

    I think there may be other map downloads using Open Street Maps OFFLINE but I am not sure.

    I just looked for the HERE maps online and it is now WE GO HERE or and they do show the new road - probably from Open Street Maps too - but I am not sure if you can use the app from this website to get the OFFLINE maps I got from Microsoft. With the MS Windows app you can download the app to your laptop or whatever and then download other specific maps to your hard drive to use OFFLINE

    . . . . . .

    Maybe I just need to see if there are updates with the new roads in Mexico on them?

    Here is the web address for the HERE website where you can see the new Patzcuaro road on their map - but different from the Open Street Maps version they do not show the number assigned to the road.,-101.17266,13,normal

    Below is a list of changes HERE maps says they have made to Mexico maps recently........

    During 18 months approximately

    248,576 miles of road

    158,963 street names

    8,321 turn restrictions

    981 roundabouts

    10,042 one way streets

    952 sections of interstates

    7,401 road directional signs

    5,231 speed limits
  • Guia Roji will not have new maps until SCT puts out their new maps - which could be years - unless Guia Roji switches to a new source for their maps. With all the road construction in Mexico in recent years both SCT and Guia Roji are way out of date.

    If you do not have or use GPS there are other options. HERE maps I think is now something like GO HERE and they have free downloads for both Windows and Apple. You can download almost any part of the world. But I looked and they do not yet have the new road.

    Then I looked on Open Street Maps and they have it. Below is how to get to Open Street Maps and how to get to the new road. You can mouse all over the world with this website but you have to find other ways to download it to your computer so it is available OFFLINE so you can look at the map and not use up data if you are a limited plan - as most of us who travel are.

    So below I post a couple of Snipping Tool maps directly from Open Street Maps - one shows the overview whole route of the new road which apparently will be 37D. Then I zoomed into the intersection to show how the different ramps go. If you look at the web address I will post below you will see it include Lat Lon numbers - it will do this for any location you go to - so the Lat Lon will be part of the web address. Cool.

    Just for fun here is another web address for Open Street Maps which shows that new road that will loop around Guadalajara - they only show the part that is now supposed to be open . . . . . . Note the different Lat Lon numbers from the one below.

    I made this clickable to larger size but they do not appear to get larger when I click.

  • Talleyho69 wrote:
    You go North.

    It was a very visible exit on the right, we are remembering that is only a few kilometers.

    You won't miss it.


    Would have been my guess, see you soon.
  • You go North.

    It was a very visible exit on the right, we are remembering that is only a few kilometers.

    You won't miss it.