sperduton wrote:
ford truck guy wrote:
All the years of traveling threw Richmond have taught me to just say no to 95... Like stated already 295 is only about 5 -10 miles longer... 65 and smoother roads VS 55 and more traffic .. 295 gets my vote all day every day....As far as going in to Myrtle Beach.. I get off in Lumberton NC and run the back roads in.... With he new highway around Myrtle Beach it's nice
Curious, Which Highway IS The New Highway?
9 to 31 ... Maybe not so new anymore, but sure is a nice way to enter North Myrtle Beach and the strand area... We get off 95 in Lumberton NC onto 74... and go to -74...410...701...9...31...22... Its 75 miles and 1-1/2 hours from 95 in Lumberton NC to The super Wal-Mart in North Myrtle Beach... See 2 Retired's post above for exact directions.