Why is it that everyone gets so upset, and obviously 'brave' behind their keyboards? I thought the OP was pretty funny. I had read the article before and thought someone would have to be pretty scared to want to buy into that because that was a lot of money per linear ft.
I enjoy reading on RV.net. I've learned a lot and enjoy hearing about all the beautiful places you go and the things you learn, good and bad. I will make an informed choice by research, if I want to go or not. I also am not offended when someone says "been there and wasn't impressed" or 'people that don't go to Mexico are afraid'(my words)doesn't bother me. Just be nice, there's no need to insult our country or anyone else's for that matter.
I mean no disrespect by the following......I do not consider someone that has no fears to be brave. For me a better word might be carefree or careless? Some fear can be healthy, it can be what keeps you alive! It's all about how you deal with it, paralyzing you is bad.
Crime does happen everywhere! As long as you consider the risks, and you are still good to go, then have fun! Please just don't be blind with denial. I know the media isn't 'perfect' but it is not all lies either. It is not just drug cartels killing drug cartels, and if it is I don't want to see anyone killed by a stray bullet. There are places to avoid in all countries, so instead of being indignant about be honest and tell us what you liked and didn't like, where to go, where to avoid, and which route to get there is the safest.
Amigos, valla con Dios!