Forum Discussion

MarshaNichols's avatar
Aug 26, 2013


In two weeks I will be traveling from Barstow to Kingman via Oatman. I have a 24' C (Born Free). I have heard that the road east out of Oatman is steep and has many bad turns. True? Suggestions?
  • c.traveler2 wrote:
    Here's a video I did of Kingman to Oatman westbound, you may have to swing wide into the opposite lane to make some of the cruves. On the east end of Oatman is a good place to park your rig, show at the end of the video.
    Coming in from the east there is a little veteran memorial at or about MM21, park your rig along the Hwy66 and walk in, its a short walk in.

    I enjoyed your video and then took in the others on youtube. It looks as though there are plenty of turnouts so I CAN go slow and let speeders by. It also appears that the turns are wide enough that I won't scrape the mountain sides. Glad I'll be the driver and not the passenger! Thanks for your input! Marsha
  • Enjoy the trip, take your time and stop and visit the town. Or go through Bullhead City and up over the hills to Kingman.
  • Here's a video I did of Kingman to Oatman westbound, you may have to swing wide into the opposite lane to make some of the cruves. On the east end of Oatman is a good place to park your rig, show at the end of the video.
    Coming in from the east there is a little veteran memorial at or about MM21, park your rig along the Hwy66 and walk in, its a short walk in.
  • rbrand wrote:
    ...You just pray when going around a hairpin that something bigger isn't approaching the other way in a hurry.

    that's what horn is for - announcing your presence on blind backcountry turns.
  • We did it in a 23'ft "C". No problem. You just pray when going around a hairpin that something bigger isn't approaching the other way in a hurry.
  • We have been over the same road.
    If you are in a hurry - take a different route!
    No hurry? It can be done, go slow and take your time.
    Good Luck & Drive Safe!
  • Just on-line map it........Barstow to Oatman to Kingman and then zoom in on Oatman area.

    The routine looks OK until you zoom in......lots of twists/turns
  • You have heard right. Steep and many switch backs.