Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Sep 07, 2018

On line permit applications for 2018/2019

I have created a step by step documentation to walk you through the on-line permit application, in its latest incarnation.

Both 10 year & 180 day.

It can be downloaded HERE
  • I might add, we had some difficulty getting a permit for a trailer after getting a permit for the truck. A message popped up telling us we had not cancelled a previous permit, as soon as we entered the passport number. I suspect it was refering to the truck permit just obtained, despite them being 2 different catagories. Last year I did this same combo, but I did the trailer before the truck, so I advise doing it that way. I have an email into banjercito to try & ID the issue. In this case we simply did the trailer in the spouse name as both are on both registrations.

    Regardless when getting permits for trucks & trailers, there is a lag of a day or 2 before you can do one after completing the other.

    You can check status of previous permits at this link