hbillsmith wrote:
Having lived in Houston for 17 years, I would skip that giant blacktop all together. You didnt mention Brice Canyon and to me its the most spectacular of them all. Do Grand to Bryce to Zion. Stay the night at Zion.
X1, it will take you 2 to 3 days just to drive through Texas and I found much of
Texas to be long stretches of barren dirt. No disrespect to Texas. I am interested in your definition of "Sight seeing" and agree with another post that some of your RV trip sounds like driving through a MacDonalds car pick up for lunch without turning the motor off:(.
i.e. driving from Tucson to San Diego will take 8 hrs. with some potty and stretch stops. San Diego is a real cluster of congested traffic. I live in Calif. and refuse to drive within 50 miles of any where in Southern Calif. From Tucson I would drive around So. Calif. to the Santa Barbara area on hwy. 101 which is a beautiful drive all the way to S.F., then head over to Yosemite to spend 3 or 4 days. Crater Lake is beautiful but given your time frame, I would skip it and get back to Hwy. 101 through Oregon and Washington for a great ocean trip. From Washington I would take a Ferry (with your RV) over to Whidby Island and spend 3 or 5 days exploring. You could take your tow vehicle on a Ferry back to Seattle for a day trip. Seattle is another cluster of congested traffic. Let us know how the trip turns out:)