- I haven't been to Crater either so defer to others who say you need more time. No surprise.
- Skip Vegas. Drive through, look at the window, next.
- I could see the advice to skip San Diego because it would make your drive so much easier and you could fly to SD from JAX for another trip. The San Diego Zoo is worth it, doesn't exist in FL, and you will forget you are in a city. BUT: If you ditch SD, you don't have to drive through LA. You can take I-15 to 99 to 41 to Yosemite. Get to Yosemite early in the morning the day of your reservation. Spend the entire day. Camp. Spend the entire next day. Do not skip Yosemite. Again, while not ideal, the valley is small enought that you can hit the main spots in 1-2 days. Glacier Point is a must in my book but you'll need two days to have time for the drive up. Take the toad for that so you'll have to plan accordingly.