Sound like our families have some things in common - our ages, our kids ages, a turbo Wrangler behind a 38' DP, etc...
Every summer we do a 3-4 week trip, and I do plan a few long days like the ones you're describing; my kids a hard core road trippers - started when they were infants so they've never know any different. But all that being said, your trip plan gives me serious pause.
If you can get away with redoing your plan, maybe you could split it up into 2 trips - 1 this summer and 1 next summer.
I highly recommend Moab, the various parks in Utah, and the Ouary, CO / Silverton, CO area.
If you're interest, here's a couple of my past trip reports to those areas:
2011 Roadtrip2012 Roadtrip2013 Roadtrip