Okay..... that's it. I'm NEVER coming back to Campland by the Bay. This place is a freakin' zoo man. There was just a mega brawl at the end of our row. The place is just full of thugs man. I don't even feel safe here. Get me outta here! Don't even know if I can leave when I want to tomorrow morning bc a guy with a 5th wheel with a back porch decided it was cool to pull the hitch part half way into the travel lane so the porch could be inline with the back part of his parking spot. May be able to back out but who knows man. This place is completely our 2nd disappointment of the trip. I have no clue how the place can be rated so well. Again, maybe it's just the holiday who knows but we will NEVER come back nor would I ever recommend this place to anyone with young kids.
On a side note, what a killer day!! Went to "seal beach". Seals weren't out bc there was no sun today. Went on a tour of the USS Midway then watched the fireworks on the carrier deck. What an AMAZING display San Diego has. Don't know if we can ever top this one. Their show is rated #10 of the top 10 list. Hopefully one day we can see #'s 9 through 1.
Tomorrow we head to Yosemite for a few days. Can't wait to get outta here. So long San Diego!