Take 89A in far Northern AZ. It's very lightly traveled and the scenery is beautiful.
Re Canyon Point Campground, it is a beautiful campground, and we have stayed there a number of times. But, it has one significant problem -- it is overrun with skunks, who own the place after dark. They are very bold, will come right into your area if you are eating or hanging out after dark. Campfires and lights do not deter them whatsoever.
I believe the reason for the skunk problem at Canyon Point is that the campground is fenced, which apparently keeps out the skunks' natural predators, whatever that may be. As a result, you don't see much wildlife at Canyon Point like you do at nearby campgrounds. I say this because we have also stayed at Aspen and Spillway campgrounds a few miles away near Woods Canyon Lake. Those two campgrounds are not fenced, and we have not run across the skunk problem there. Herds of elk often roam right through those last two campgrounds early in the morning. I have had them grazing within 20' of me and they were indifferent to my presence.