If you want to see Mexico as being unsafe you can find long tons of artcles, surveys and stats supporting your position.
Same with finding Mexico safe.
And a third warehouse full of supportive documentation finding both of the above - wrong.
UNSAFE physically is a hell of a lot different than insecure for personal items. Yet both are referred to as "safety".
The whole quagmire is a morass of qualitative definitions.
Not long ago I inquired of a gringo writer who espoused a supposed "expert" discourse on the subject of "safety in Michoacan".
"Have you ever been here? Do yoi know where Tierra Caliente, is?"
His answer was disingenuous and evasive. Yet such tripe shapes public opinion.
I can only roll my eyes. Andres Oppenheimer forms 100% of his columns from an office in Mexico City. More rolling of the eyes. I live here and I have not accumulated a sufficient amount of questions - never mind answers.