Sounds like good news. But why would you believe that the major stations along that route have ULSD? Other than a few tourists no one in Mexico requires ULSD. If they did how would they know the station carries ULSD? mexico signed on to having ULSD many years ago but did nothing. I would not believe that the refineries were producing ULSD unless I saw it with my own eyes. Pemex is out of cash and most of the contractors have not been paid. many of the projects are on hold. Why would they make sure that ULSD was along the truck routes? No trucks sold in Mexico require ULSD. BUT good news is that BP has opened their first station near Mexico City. They will carry only USA fuels. Will have a pipeline and a fleet of trucks. They hope to open 1500 stations in the near future. Pemex is so corrupt you cannot trust them to tell the truth. I do commend you for getting some information.