Since NAFTA vehicles have been a good example of how free trade works. Parts and vehicles cross the border. Sometimes a part may be mfd. in the USA , sent to Mexico and comes back as part of a whole vehicle. BUT vehicles are manufactured to the requirements of the importing country. Mexico and Canada get metric odometers. Mexico gets an emission system that is very much like a 2006 vehicle. Lots of EGR and the ECM is programed differently than say a Canadian vehicle. Canadian cars get a very robust anti theft system. Although this strays from the original thread it shows that just because you see a Cascadia in Mexico it probably is not a USA vehicle. Mexican trucking companies are just as sophisticated as those NOB. No CEO is going to risk having a truck that requires ULSD unless he know it is widely available.Presently it is not widely available! I might add that we were in Oaxaca once and stopped at a huge Pemex. On the lot was a van that was checking the emission systems of inter city busses. I have also seen those vehicles at the mostly closed weigh scales in Sonora. I doubt they check the chicken busses as they could never pass!!! Same for the old Dina 10 tons.