Oh Good Grief!
Yes for sure many of the class 8 trucks are ASSEMBLED in Mexico of parts made in several countries including the Usa. Your Ford, Chevy and Dodge pickups are also assembled in border towns in Mexico. This does not qualify them as being "Made" in Mexico. They are still American Made Trucks. And with literally Billions of dollars a DAY in trade by truck crossing the border this Ulsd issue is a big one for Mexico.
I grew up in a family that owned a very large trucking company. I have for most of my life kept my fingers in that industry by owning trucks "on the side" putting drivers in them and leasing them out. At one time I had 10 trucks. A small operation but about as much as can be handled on a part time basis. This in addition to my other career. Can Moisheh or Briansue claim that level of experience? Maybe maybe not.
But in any case The vast majority of the Class 8 trucks being manufactured for the NORTH AMERICAN MARKET are ULSD trucks. Whether they go to Mexico or not.
While I searched for exact numbers on the percentage of Ulsd vs non Ulsd were being MFG these are held as far as I can see by the MFG's and that is not surprising. It probably is not something the industry tracks very often. Most likely because it is just a fraction of the market.
But the truck market in Mexico is very good and a lot of new trucks are being bought. Are all of them ULSD? No and I never claimed that.
But you self appointed "Old Mexico Hands" here get your undies all bunched up and work yourself up into Righteous indignation any time someone comes along and challenges your (often) outdated information.
And yes I do have sources of my own in Mexico, including some factory owners and NO I am not giving you their emails. In addition I read up on this subject often as I am interested to return to Baja next winter. Simply Put I agree with Ed.
As for the corruption issue: Mexico is like Switzerland compared to Cambodia and Nigeria and Egypt 3 places I have lived and worked, so I know corruption and I know it is all too easy to paint any situation with too broad a brush. Not every situation or official in Mexico is corrupt and to claim so is just the worst kind of nationalistic xenophobia.
It would be a great benefit to stop viewing our neighbor to the south through such a small lens. Mexico is a big diverse country and deserves more respect than it gets from some here.