The substitution parts and ECM programming cost the owner more than $18000 pesos. It was either that or no new tractor. (UNcommon) sense should tell a person that a trucking company in Villa Hermosa, Oaxaca, or Morelia is not going to chingar a quarter million dollar investment by ruining an expensive de-particulation unit. Ed, please take a moment and explain what happens when an ECU detects a major fault within a diesel emissions controlled engine. FUEL MILEAGE SUFFERS HORRIBLY. Think an owner is going to put up with a thirty percent reduction in fuel mileage and horsepower? You have another think coming. When new trucks are purchased they have new emissions systems. Within 200 kilometers, they get retrofitted. Man, some of you live in a dream world, and others have active imaginations. Try living here. Try being around big rigs and their owners for a change.
Remember as far as corruption is concerned NO BAD DAYS. Mexicanos laugh at the naivety of gringos when it comes to dealing with corruption. Or does that "paint brush" assume less importance when it is grasped in brown hands?