Forum Discussion

Jebby14's avatar
Jan 31, 2019


just booked first trip of the summer. will be our annual extended family camp at the pinery. My favorite southern Ontario park for sure. so far we are at 6 sites booked, last year was 11. hoping more come along. Nothing really to add other than im excited.

My poor daughter went and put her boots on when I told her. she figured we were going to get the camper now even though the wind-chill was -37 C. had to give her a hard no on that one haha
  • We love the Pinery. Check out the flea market just down the road. It's open on Sundays.
  • fell like checking out 785 and 788 while your there. We have them both.
  • We have a site for the May 2-4 weekend for a week. It just a site with no hydro. We try to get this site because it's fairly large,( 35 ft 5th wheel) and fairly private. We can boondock for quite a while before having to dump/get water. Our son and his family will be in the dunes at the same time. Looking forward to the trip and time there.
  • as for the river. its there, just a bit weed choked below the dam. still plenty of water for canoeing and fishing. up river from the dam its the same as it has always been. very nice. where the loss is is the beach. not much left of it and whats there is rocky. this is because the lakes are so high and when they go down im sure things will get back to normal.
  • my summer stats whenever the weather breaks. usually bring the camper home early april depending on how muddy the field is. first camping trip is late April/early may depending on weather life and when I open my pool. the stage of life we are in we don't have any long trips planned (kids are little) and we are banking cash and vacation time for a pending Disney trip. we tend to do a lot of local weekend and long weekend trips. I mention first trip of the summer as in its booked. its the first one on record. busy park and we need a lot of sites given that my entire extended family goes and we try to be near each other. we also are fairly picky about area.
  • I’m assuming your “summer” starts in May? As it’s too early to book anything later via the reservation system.
  • The Pinery is one of our favorite campgrounds in all of North America, our kids sort of grew up there in the 80's and 90's. We now live near Cincinnati but we plan on going back one more time in August to relive some of those fond memories. We hope to snag a Riverside electric site but years ago we tented at one of the Burly Camp sites where the kids could walk over a couple of dunes to the beach on Lake Huron. White sand, tall oaks, pines and no mosquitos. I heard that the river has filled in now, I wonder how that affects some of the big homes closer to Grand Bend.