Forum Discussion

lots2seeinmyrv's avatar
May 02, 2014

Pittsburg PA to Bedford PA

Coming through Ohio on 80E. How is 80E to 76/70S to 220 South at Bedford, PA?

Final destination is Rocky Gap State Park in Flintstone, MD (by Cumberland, MD)

I know 80 to 77S to 70E though Wheeling WV to Morgantown to Cumberland is lots of steep hills and curves.

Does 76/70 and 220S avoid any of these mountains...or about the same?

Thank you!
  • Rocky Gap is looking really nice with Spring. Lots of deer here, saw a beaver on the golf course! Wild turkeys up in the woods. The lake at Rocky Gap had about 1-1/2 feet of ice on it this year. The locals say worst winter here in a long time...glad old man winter is gone:)

    Thanks everyone!
  • We go across I-68 every year. Twice. We have tried cutting across from Somerset to Cumberland. If you don't get lost ;) it's not bad - for one thing you are going slower so it's easier on your truck to navigate the hills.

    Did you look at Google Maps - there are a few different ways they recommend.

    We think the mountains are generally better on the Turnpike than 68. We just prefer 68 because of less semi traffic and nicer scenery.

    Rocky Gap is one of our favorite parks!
  • Thanks for the reply.

    I know going the Wheeling - Morgantown - Cumberland route adds about 50+ miles.

    So the Pittsburg - Bedford, PA route is shorter but same hills (not steeper?) as the other route.

    Been through West Coast I-5 and 395...Sierra's tall mountains but long grades.

    These hills are a whole different ballgame! Short grades and lots of curves and ups and downs.
  • The hills are not that bad east of Morgantown. I usually just put it at 63 and run on cruise control. The only really bad area is 5 miles either side of Cumberland MD. I just slow it down and then its no problem at all.
  • No avoiding those hills! The route you have planned is probably the best way to get where you are going. Any other route will take you miles out of your way.