Forum Discussion

carolgary1947's avatar
Nov 15, 2014

Posting a deposit at the border

This is the first year we have had a slide in truck camper. I was just wondering if we would be offered a 10 year permit or if we will be paying a deposit. We only have a bill of sale on the truck camper so I am assuming we will be paying a deposit but have no idea how much that will be. We have a 2003 Ford truck. Any information you all may have will be appreciated.
Thank you
  • Crossed at Nogales many times. Don't cross early as we go to San Carlos for a couple days,11:00/12:00. Never have much wait at Km 21, never had an issue that wasn't resolved quickly. I enjoy the process and conversation with Migration, it's part of the experience for us.Just chill and it's all good
  • If we find that we have to wait in line and there are no chairs, I take the folding chair that we use for sitting outside for my wife, she can not stand for long, bad back and hips, that happened to us coming back and she had to get out with the cat in a carrier while I drove the RV to the X-ray place, it only took them an hour and a half to do that, big 18 wheelers in front.

  • Thanks for all the advice. Have never gotten the TIP on line before but probably would save time. Thank you
  • Some of the above answers seem to indicate that you have some kind of choice. Don't believe it. If you wait to get your paperwork at the border, the official in front of you will make that decision. And no one can predict what that official will require.

    Stan and moisheh are correct in that the camper is not a vehicle but cargo. And tallyho is correct about the wording of your truck registration

    However some officials may not agree with this interpretation of the rules (or may have never read the rules), and the one standing in front of you pretty much has the final say. A classic case of RCNC. So do as moisheh and others have suggested and get your 6 month TIP on-line for the truck (unless it's registered as a RV).

    Remember, sometimes it's better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission :)
  • Stan has given you the best answer. A truck camper is not a vehicle. NO TIP necessary. Those who suggest you get a TIP are opening up a can of worms. They could say you do not need a TIP but will have to import the camper and pay duty. Just play dumb and either get the truck permit online or @ KM21. Do not mention the camper!

  • You will pay a deposit on your Ford truck, either $200.00 or $300.00 US. A slide in camper is considered cargo and won't get anything. Get your TIP on line.
  • I did not notice any chairs! (it is a long stand for anyone with knee/hip handi-caps) At K21 Nogales entry.
  • Sorry, but sitting around in an office for an hour plus, isn't our idea of a good time. Especially on the first day, in the first few hours of driving into a foreign country!

    Make sure you are actually going to come here, then get your TIP on line.
  • The TIP online is a huge problem to correct if your plans change and you don't go to Mexico. Getting a TIP at the border is quick and easy.
  • Depends on what your registration says. If it says Recreational Vehicle, motorhome, anything like that, you are on a 10 year permit, no bond.

    To find the amount of the deposit, look at the information above. Get your TIP on line!!!!!