There are places in Mexico where the wiring is up to code. Usually this would be in industrial plants or maybe a big box store. Residential is a whole other story. There are a few CG's with proper electricity. The California ( now gone) in Maz had power pedestals with 50 amp service!! I would never plug into a 2 prong outlet!!! Mexican home grown electricians do not believe in Marr Connectors( wire nuts). They use cheap electrical tape and twist the wires. Fuses?? Who needs them? If there is an overload the wires just melt! Today's motorhomes are full of electronics. From slide controllers to Multiplex systems. Before connecting one of these to Mexican power one had better have lots of protection. John and Angela had the best idea. They had a battery charger and when in doubt would not plug the RV into power. Just the battery charger. Along with their solar power all was good. Older RV's are the answer for Mexico.