Is's and Ought To Be's...
Like it or not, Mexican viewers of this thread have contacted me and remarked "Why do you even try to change their mind?"
It's not for the ought-to-be, daydreamers. It's for people who accept things as they are. And deal with it. And exchange ideas and tips. And not run around with their head jammed up into (the clouds).
You think using magazines and newspapers as TP is somehow derogatory? Then you have never been in rural Mexico away from Gringolandia.
My wife was Mexican, my daughter and four granddaughters are Mexican. i am a Mexican citizen who believes thoroughly that educating folks about the realities down here will help them prepare better for a successful trip.
And my dear fellow, please allow new-to-Mexico visitors to enjoy things As They Are, and not As They Should Be.
"Ought-To-Be" ex-pats do not last long. I actively prey on "Liquidation of Entire Household Moving Back To USA" moving sales. Sometimes drive hundreds of miles when justified. Their daydreams crumbled. Ask them why they are moving and they will probably explode. I learned not to ask years ago.
But accept what is here even if it hurts. Mexicans WANT their lives to improve. I can assure you a roll of TP in a public toilet will last under a minute in rural Mexico. Someone will take it home.
Learn to accept drivers who pass you then jam on the brakes to make a left turn.
Or machos who consider it infinitely more important to have five cases a beer a week rather than replace any of their six burned out tail light bulbs.
Or like last Friday. A hipermarket. Eleven cashier checkstands - one is open with fourteen carts waiting.
So when I encounter a pedestal with horrible stuff fix it, silently. The park owner could care less, except if someone should hassle his peace and quiet by trying to lecture him how to run his business. "If you don't like what you see, there are always other parks".
I recommended bringing quality receptacles and wire nuts. That's entirely different than stuffing a book in his face or lecturing about wiring codes. Giving them as gifts and showing how they work is taken entirely differently.
But you would have to know and accept Mexican culture to understand this.