All of this talk about inspectors and color codes and wire sizes is great for those that live in the United States of America.
In Mexico other than industrial parks, shopping malls, apartment buildings, hotels and some businesses that require construction permits do get an electrical code inspection, some times not always, households do not, all that you need is a "permiso de construccion de vivienda", then when the tube where the electric meter is going to be is secured to the outside wall and the 30 Amp fuses or circuit braker's are installed the Comicion Federal de Electricidad sends the inspector and the guys that run the two wires and hook the power to the fuse box, they DO NOT inspect the rest of the house nor are they permitted to enter the dueling.
How do I know this?
My brother in law is the Architect that built the black building that looks like a slice of cake with a golf ball next to it on the corner of Paseo de la Reforma and Rio Rin that is in Mexico City, Bolsa de Valores de Mexico the Mexican stock exchange building in Mexico City, he built all of the offices for Seguros Tepeyac, built several housing projects in Cuautla by Cuernavaca, he just finished an industrial park, the houses that he has constructed for his kids and in laws only had "permiso de construccion" no electrical permit or inspector ever entered those houses, the last thing you want in your house is any kind of inspector, next thing you know you have the thief's coming by to visit, and lo and behold they know exactly where to go for the goodies, some times the official inspectors take so long to schedule the inspection that the industry or restaurant or store is already open for business, so a few pesos and you are good to go and the inspector approved the wiring.
This is Mexico, it is different than Canada or the United States, you guys keep thinking that what is done in Canada or the USA is done in Mexico, it is not.
When you learn to live with the differences and idiosyncrasies of this country, you will enjoy your stay a lot more, learn to adapt and do not try to change the Mexican mentality, they just look at you as a "gringo Loco" (crazy gringo).
Are there wiring codes in Mexico?
The answer is yes.
Do they use them?
Most do not.
Only big constructions that need permits.
All other wiring is done as cheap and economical as possible.
And that is the reality in Mexico, it is a different country and a different mentality.
Que pasen un buen dia senores.
Vivan la vida loca!