Boy oh boy! This forum just keeps getting weirder. Try to do a little informational thing about RVs and electricity - be it in Mexico or the US - and off you go into the wild blue yonder on the crazy train. Politics. Corruption. Where else has it gone? I've lost track of the rants and craziness.
It was about some basic understanding of electricity that all RVers should be aware of. I thought some people might be interested in knowing a little bit about electricity. Maybe learn something. And tools they can easily use to check an outlet before they connect to it. And some basic idea of the laws of how electricity works and how wire is supposed to work. I know that is not always going to be how it works - not in the USA - not in Mexico.
AGAIN - the survey was done in the USA - NOT Mexico.
But I thought Mexico travelers should be aware of it. Keep in mind the results of the survey I think said something like 57% of those responding had problems with electricity when connecting to electricity in some sort of RV parking space. IN THE USA!!
It was not about CFE - it was not about the government of Mexico - it was not about how people wire houses in Mexico - it was not about anything but some basic understanding of electricity and what RVers need to be aware of and precautions that can be taken to protect the RV and it's occupants from potential problems with electricity.
Rant rant rant!! Incoherent!! Give it up. Give it a rest. We all know from over all these years of the rants how much you hate so much that is Mexico and how corrupt they all are and what crooks they all are and whatever else you want to rant about. Yes we all know you think Mexico is all screwed up and we should all learn to live with it. We've heard it all before. Drop it. If you can't participate is an adult manner at least have some respect for those of us out here who do. Maybe - just maybe - some of us do get how things are in Mexico and we actually have learned to live with it. Not a problem. I have been going to Mexico for over 45 years and I keep going back almost every year - maybe - just maybe - I like it just fine.