moisheh wrote:
I would like to know where Chris gets his rose colored glasses. Even in Fonavit homes there are many building code violations. Propane explosions are commonplace as they will use garden hose from the outside tank to the kitchen! If the house was built without a minisplit the added wiring us a joke. Tinacos are installed with no check valves. The plastic water pipes are not schedule 40. Just cheap cr---y thin Mexican pipe. It's Mexico not Nirvana.
Pacific Coast Original KD's Biker Sunglasses (Black Frame/Rose Colored Lens)Now that the foolishness is out of the way, I can respond to your interesting yet extremely exaggerated post. Yes, those things you have listed have happened in Mexico just like they have in the U.S. and Canada. But what is your point?
The things you have listed are not being done by the builder, not unregulated or oversight by building codes or governmental agencies like the CFE. Those things are caused and done by the foolish owner who attempts to do things on the cheap.
Why on Earth would you introduce a 220V minisplit into a house that has 15/20 amp service?
Why would a foolish owner not have a check valve on a tinaco and if the house came that way why wouldn't he use his warranty with the builder to correct it? Yes, my innocent friend, each home comes with a warranty.
Did you check the poll that Brian posted on Rv.Travel. That's rv pedestals in the U.S., Canada and maybe Mexico. The story isn't any different. People try to get away with stuff all the time, it isn't a Mexican thing.
"Cheap crappy Mexican pipe". Wow, your love of Mexico really shows in your ability to express it. Do they use schedule 40 or 80 pipe in Canada? If they do, would they put it into a house that cost $10,000 dollars? I doubt it.
Have you not checked the internet, YouTube, etc. that show people in both northern neighboring countries that do exactly what you are criticizing people in Mexico for doing? Stealing electricity, using LP tanks illegally, not following building codes?
Unfortunately, I don't recall any of your posts every presenting any factual documents on line, links, videos, of the things you criticize Mexicans for.
Today I had a get together here at the house with friends (all Mexicans). Most were indignant with your post which I read them and couldn't believe that anyone would be so ignorant about a country that is one of the largest world economies. Others found your post funny and a bit off wondering why someone from Canada would be so ignorant about Mexico. My friends have incomes from 1000 pesos a week to 5000 pesos a week. Not what anyone would call rich so they don't have their noses up their behinds.
One of them even commented, "he must be working for a president (name withheld) that is wanting to build a wall along the border".
Your post sounds about as crazy as another poster here.