Forum Discussion

reed_cundiff's avatar
Dec 20, 2016

Propane/butane fir RVs in Mexico

Businesses that fill propane/butane canisters are common in Mexico but have no information on outlets that can fill RVs. Does anyone have information on where such distributors exist. We are currently near Tulum
Reed and Elaine
  • If you have a permanent built in tank and can fill at the auto-propane pump at the gas station then the trucks that deliver to homes and business such as restaurants will be able to fill your propane/butane tanks.

    Note that many places in Mexico the gas is a mix of propane and butane. In cold weather areas, ie high elevation in the interior you will likely get propane. If the sign says GAS it could be a mix. If it says PROPANO then it's propane. Not much difference unless you are going back to cold country with a lot of butane in the tank. We have never had a problem.
  • You can have the gas company that delivers to the restaurants and houses fill your RV container, when you order the gas make sure to let them know that you have a "portable gas container" that needs the adapter, otherwise you might need to go to Cancun, I do not find a provider in Tulum.

    The provider in Cancun is:

    Av. Lopes Portillo, El Pedregal, 77712
    Cancun, Q.R., Mexico
    Telephone +52-998-898-0616

    There is another distributor in Cancun:

    Grupo Maxigas
    calle 16 No-510 mza lote 30 sm-91 77516
    100,77516 Cancun, Q.R. Mexico

    Give them a call and see if they deliver in the area that you are in, the RV tanks are the same as the small BRBQ tanks, but they need an adapter to fill them.

    You need to have a person that speaks fluent Spanish talk to the person at the gas company so that they understand the need for the adapter, they might want to take the tank and fill it, let them know that the tank is bolted to a vehicle and you can not unbolt it.

    The first time we brought our new RV to Mexico it took a good while until they understood the need for the adapter, I ended going to the distributor and having the tank filled, when we got back to the US I ordered an adapter, no more problems, either the delivery truck fills it or the local distributor does, I have marked the adapter in such away that they do not try to tell me that it belongs to them and not me, make sure that you know how much gas to fill your tank and how to open the bleed valve, otherwise they will put to much in, remember that in Mexico they use meters and liters not gallons and pounds.
