Nov 27, 2016Explorer
Camp Site Info
Where are you getting info on where sites are and what services exist? I've done some Google'ing and resources seem limited Thanks
briansue wrote:
Here is a start. We still use the "Church Book" or what some call "The Bible" for RVing and Camping in Mexico - by Mike & Terri Church. It is somewhat out of date since they have not put out a new edition for a few years - but still lots of good info and you can cross reference on their UPDATES page of their website if people would write in to tell them when new information is learned.
We still also use Bill & Dot Bell's website and have purchased their road logs and still use them and find them invaluable - we make our own notes to our printed versions of their logs.
Some people suggest but we don't learn a whole lot there that isn't available on the above - though there is always something new to be learned in any website - this one has travelers posting as they learn new things.
Using a Windows computer we use HERE MAPS - we also have a GPS from Garmin and we keep it updated. I have found the newest and latest and most up to date maps on . We use as many sources as we can find - this forum is also a great resource - if you ask the right questions.
PEMEX has put out a guide of their own where you can find just about every gas station in Mexico
. . .! . . . BOOK UPDATES
Traveler's Guide to Mexican Camping:
Explore Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize With Your RV or Tent
Fourth Edition
by Mike and Terri Church
6" by 9" Paperback
576 pages, over 250 maps
ISBN 978-0982310106
$ 21.95 BILL & DOT BELL ioverlander