The adventure has started for us. We're on the road north, albeit the first leg was only from Tallahassee, FL to Atlanta. The vet has been treating our baby (Misty, a 15-month-old chihuahua) for tonsillitis the last couple weeks so we decided to get an "expert" opinion from my nephew who has an animal hospital in the Atlanta area. He's given Misty the thumbs up for travel, so now we'll spend the rest of the weekend here, a day or two in Cleveland, TN visiting relatives, then begin working our way northwest. We've had nothing but rain since arriving in Atlanta, but who cares; we're going to ALASKA. My wife and I are minority Floridians (LOL... actually born and lived out entire lives there), so if we encounter snow along the way it will be just fine. We'll just turn up the thermostat and enjoy it. We still plan to reach Alaska around the first of June, and if it's later than that it'll just mean we've been enjoying ourselves along the way. Got our Alaska Roll Call signs in the fifth-wheel and pickup windows and hope to cross paths with some of you along the way. Everyone stay safe.