Regardless of what -you- folks call it, and regardless of spanish dictionaries when the ejercito o marinas o policia see a communications radio they label it transceptor. They call it that, when an unregistered radio is confiscated transceptor is the word they type on the paperwork. I used quotes on the word for a reason. Sometimes reality interferes with how we think things should be.
If an RV hatch is opened, and someone at a reten or puesto de control should spot gear, hearing the word "transceptor" is reason enough to become very cautious.
The reality down here cannot be monitored nor pontificated from without.
When they spotted my ICOM "transceptor" on the floor of my car at a puesto de control just north of Zihuatanejo, they were going to seize it. A handheld VHF radio. The marinas demanded to see my permiso para importacion de yate. OOf course I do not have a Yate or even a rubber raft. If it were not for my son in law and his licensia de pesca hanging around his neck I would have not only lost the radio but faced a fat fine. Not at the reten, but back in Zihuatanejo at the Ayutamiento, de municipio.
BTW the radio was under the seat, wrapped in a cloth and inside a stuff bag in my toad. They would have found it in the trunk. They would have found it under the hood. I called for friends on a ketch on the hook in the bay.