Forum Discussion

dutchev's avatar
May 03, 2020

Rest Areas in Az, CA

Traveling from phoenix to los angeles on I-10 Wondering if most rest area are still open?
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    jdc1 wrote:
    All California rest stops are closed.

    As of when? Like I said in my earlier post, I was in CA about 2 weeks ago and the rest stops were open to the public along I-40.
  • As of this weekend, all rest stops on I-10 (CA and AZ) were open. Some may have had "visitor centers" temporarily closed, but not the "Rest Stop" itself.
  • swphotobug wrote:
    I think the ones in AZ are only for truckers. Best if you assume they are not open.

    One on I-40 and one on I-17 have been closed for years but are now reopened for truckers only. All others I believe are open to everyone.
  • Having driven that route more times than I can remember, frankly, there aren't that many rest areas anyway. I don't give it much thought. If there happens to be a rest area when I need or want one, great. Otherwise I just stop other places. The Love's in Quartzsite and Walmart in Indio are standard stops for us.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I don't know about the rest areas along I-10 but the ones in CA along I-40 were open to the public as of 2 weeks ago.
  • X2, swp. One of the great advantages of an RV...your own potty. No need to use public facilities.
  • I think the ones in AZ are only for truckers. Best if you assume they are not open.