Forum Discussion

Usk_Coastie's avatar
Oct 03, 2015

Road Report Nogales to Perula

Arrived yesterday 10/1 at our house in Punta Perula, Jalisco, MX. We made the trip in our 2003 chassis Class B Sprinter Van. This info is for MX 15 toll road Nogales to Tepic and HWY 200 Tepic to Punta Perula. The roadways into through and out of most of the cities are typically poor to fair condition with lot of pot holes, tope's etc.

Left from De Anza RV park in Amado AZ and crossed at Nogales Mariposa crossing. No changes noted in the crossing except, on the US side there appears to be almost finished construction for a US departure checkpoint with cameras and booths. I guess we'll have to tell them why we would ever want to go to Mexico.....

KM21 no changes, from the time we crossed the US side until we were leaving KM2 one hour. Road to Santa Anna is good. First 10 KM or so after Santa Anna a little rough. After the rough spot the road is good until the tool booth just east of the turn for Guymas/San Calos. From the tool booth to Cuiad Obregon the road is under construction all of the way into Obregon. Lots of single lane one direction with marked 40 KM speed limits. You can make good time if you get behind an express bus...

Obrigon to Navora is smooth 110Km/h four lane concrete. Navora to the Sinola border is rough but you can make time in the left lane.

Sinola south to Mazatlan good roads. Mazatlan bypass is open and if you stay in a park at the north end of Mazatlan and jump on the bypass you can save an hour or two slogging through Mazatlan proper.

Mazatlan to Perula two lane road in good condition with enough shoulders to make three lanes for passing into on coming traffic as both lane will move to the shoulder to allow the pass. They WILL NOT slow down however. HWY 200 from Tepic still sucks, went down hill behind a gas tanker for 2 hours. Highway 200 south of El Tuito lots construction as the road is being widened to three lanes all of the way to Los Morles.

Hope this helps with everyone's planning for this years adventures to Mexico.
  • It sounds like things have improved since last Season!
    I'm undecided at this point .
  • what irks me is they still charge tolls when the road is a mess. Somebody tol dme Carlos Slim runs most toll roads. Now I know why he's the worlds richest man.

    Oh well I'm curently sitting at Torklift in Seattle killing time while they do some suspension mods to my truck in preparation. Superhitch receiver & stableloads, as Mexico road proof as I can make it. I love Torklift products, trouble is everytime I change trucks its outfitting all over again.

    BTW anyone gone over the Maz Durango highway this sesaon yet? Just had a tranny job & deep tranny pan put on in prep for that one.
  • Coastie should get free forum membership for life for posting this. This kind of info is very useful. We won't be heading that way for a few months but maybe this excellent report will inspire others to post their experiences when the migration picks up.
  • Leading a caravn across on the 13th at Nogales. Thanks for the report I am going to print it out. We really shoudl have a road reports section pinned on this forum.
  • Thanks! We'll be crossing about Nov 2 at Lukeville/Sonoyta on our way south.
  • Good report. We plan on crossing at Lukeville/Sonoyta on the 24th on our way to La Peñita
  • Great report USK. Leaving in 2 weeks and I was gonna ask if anyone had driven down to Mazatlan lately. You beat me to it. Thanks.