Crossed the border at Oroville wa yesterday and spending a couple days here. Most discouraging question at customs was do you have any fruit or vegitibles. I explained that I had purged the Rv of such items and passed many Canadian fruit stands in the last sixty miles much to the wife's irritation. Response was,,,you could have brought the fruit veggies in because they are in season...we finished the day with a visit to the copper winery and fruit stand north of town, bought a couple of bottles to imbibe on the porch and listen to the Oroville police chief sing golden oldies. A great way to finish the Alaskan trip. Took down the roll call Alaska 2014 signs.
We will start a new journey tomorrow going south on us 97 as far as Nevada before heading east.
The trip to Alaska is unique in that we traveled with like minded folks and would meet the same individual several times along the way unplanned.
My question now is where do travelers go after Alaska....both forum and trip planning ...