Food price is not that much different to make a difference in your budget, you just have to adjust on what you are use too and buy what's on special in big store. Especially with the US dollar being record high compare to the Can dollar. Fuel and alcool is much more expensive, this is where you have to be concerned, so ease on the pedal and enjoy the scenery, sip your wine and enjoy the taste.
The problem I found is when you cross the US / Canada border again and you stock up too much in between. But, it seems that the border was more tolerant between Yukon/AK, except for tomatoes, pepper, Alcool, firearm and wood.
I know there as been a restriction about Lamb everytime I passed the border. Beef and chicken were a target for a few years but it was OK for the last few years up to last april 2015 anyway, but that could have change according to new desease.