bachrachj wrote:
We've inherited three dogs from three loved ones over the past three years and one just happens to be a Rottweiler. With no prior experience with Rottis we were apprehensive, but oh so pleasantly surprised to find that they are one of the sweetest and smartest dog breeds we've ever owned. I think it goes back to the few knuckleheads who ruin a dog here and there and give all of that particular breed a bad reputation.
We've found that for one reason or another, most RV parks are not willing to take on the Rottweilers and we're wondering of any of you have Rottis and if you can recommend Rotti friendly parks along the way. We've no set itinerary and are very willing to boon dock it for the most part, but will need to settle with electricity, wifi etc. once in a while.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Happy Trails,
John, Rae and Los Perros
It's because of their known to be potentially vicious breed reputation. The other at-risk breeds are: Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, and Dobermans. I would avoid any RV park that allowed them - if that gives you an indication of why the parks may be turning you away, it's also driving RVers away. Which hurts their business. My city designates the same stipulation on these exact breeds, because of their known history.