Forum Discussion

taddyport's avatar
Jun 14, 2014

route 20 across Iowa and Nebraska

I'm in no hurry at all and eventually will end up around Boise ID. I'm curious on your thoughts on taking 20 across instead of 80 or 70. How is the road, seems like some good spots to stop along the way, any bridge height problems?

And one more thing, I've only been here about a week and you guys are the best, great answers and you don't make any of the people feel like any question is dumb.

thanks everyone
  • Uncle Grumpy wrote:
    The sandhills are green and beautiful right now. I avoid I-80 at all costs. Heavy traffic and lots of trucks. Fuel is available at the small towns in western NE if that is a concern. Our town, Hay Springs, has a nice FHU campground near the park and swimming pool. Fort Robinson and the museum of the mountain man in Chadron are must stops.

    Uncle Grumpy, is that Sunset in Alliance or another campground? thanks for the info. I have sandhills in the valley across from my house,they're great to listen to.
  • The sandhills are green and beautiful right now. I avoid I-80 at all costs. Heavy traffic and lots of trucks. Fuel is available at the small towns in western NE if that is a concern. Our town, Hay Springs, has a nice FHU campground near the park and swimming pool. Fort Robinson and the museum of the mountain man in Chadron are must stops.
  • I take 20 across Iowa all the time. I have family that farms two mikes off it in north western Iowa. Road was a bit rough this year on the western half but a nice road and easy to travel otherwise.
  • US 20

    Or you might get to sit on 20 in western NE and watch cowboys move 1000 head if cattle to another pasture area. :) Plan on a stop at Fort Robinson and a day to do some of the activities there.

    We do 20 every chance we get headed West and always seem to find something new.

  • US-20 was one of the main Coast to Coast highways before the interstates. It was the route John Steinbeck travelled and described in his book "Travels with Charlie". This website provides information about the route of US-20 across the country and some of the major attractions. This website provides information about a number of the towns and local attractions along US-20 in Nebraska. A number of towns along US-20 have parks where they allow camping. Some have electric and other hookups others no hookups. Costs for these parks ranges from free/donation to often less than $20.
  • on 20 you will get to see a lot of corn fields and pig sties, where as on 80 you will get to see a lot of corn fields and pig sties. main difference is on 20 you might pop over a hill and see a spreader doing 5 mph directly in front of you.
    they have been improving/ widening 20 a lot the last few years.
  • Excellent road. Doubt there would be heights below 13-4, as it's used by a lot of trucks. Certainly the Western Nebraska section is fine.